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Welcome to Veshod, also known as The Void, the third realm to be created in the world of Eudantria. 

Into The Realm Of

The Quartara Vale 

 ~The Capital ~

~ MAJOR Cities ~


Veiled in eternal twilight, Anor boasts ancient architecture that blends the elegance of gothic cathedrals with the scholarly charm of dark academia. Its towering spires reach towards the misty heavens, where they seem to disappear into the perpetual dusk. Anor serves as a haven for scholars and adventurers alike, drawn to its libraries filled with tomes on forbidden magics and lost rituals.


Known for its labyrinthine streets and hidden alleys, Olande is a city where shadows whisper secrets of forgotten magics. The city's architecture is a testament to its tumultuous history, with crumbling towers and weathered stone structures revealing layers of ancient civilizations and arcane experiments. Olande is a hub for artisans and enchanters who ply their trade amidst the dark energies that permeate the realm.


Tucked away amidst treacherous terrain, Labanoris is renowned for its skilled artisans who master dark magics. The city's workshops hum with the faint echoes of incantations, where craftsmen weave spells into fabrics and enchantments that defy the natural order. Labanoris is a crucible of creativity and mysticism, where the boundaries between reality and illusion blur.


Crest Of The Realm

The crest of The Void, an antique gold shield adorned with sinuous branches, serves as a haunting emblem of the realm's enigmatic nature. Each branch intricately woven around the shield symbolizes the intertwining of dark allure and perilous secrets that define The Void. The crest whispers of forgotten magics and lost histories, drawing those who seek to unravel its mysteries into a realm where shadows hold sway over reality.

~ Magic Source ~

  • The Hand of Eudantria

  • Deep within the cursed swamplands of The Void, surrounded by dense, foreboding woods, stands the hand of Eudantria—an ancient relic of cosmic tragedy and divine sacrifice. This towering tree, once the physical hand of Eudantria herself, rises from the ground with its palm upturned and cupped, forming a natural seat for those deemed worthy. 

  • The hand, now rooted in The Void, once blessed Eudantria's denizens with the bounty of all fruits but now emanates a draining aura, cloaking the land in a thick fog and harboring creatures of fierce demeanor. This transformation underscores the tree's dual nature—a tragic testament to the realm's altered fate and the enduring legacy of Eudantria's cosmic sacrifice.

~ Culture and Customs ~


In the eerie realm of The Void, inhabitants often exchange greetings with a mix of solemnity and intrigue. A typical greeting might involve a graceful bow or a nod steeped in deep respect, accompanied by the telepathic utterance of "Vladori." Their voices, resonant yet tinged with a hint of chilling allure, convey a sense of ancient knowledge and arcane wisdom that permeates their interactions. These greetings, steeped in centuries-old traditions and veiled in enigmatic charm, reflect the realm's eerie ambiance and the dignified yet unsettling nature of its inhabitants.


Casual Wear

For everyday attire, residents of The Void choose fabrics that are as practical as they are visually striking. Outfits are predominantly black, crafted from supple, matte materials such as woven shadow silk, which is prized for its durability and comfort. Layered tunics and breeches are tailored to allow free movement, ideal for navigating the dimly lit corridors and misty landscapes. Accents in deep jewel tones like dark emerald, sapphire, and amethyst appear in subtle elements like stitching or underlayers, providing a hint of color that enhances without overwhelming. Trims and closures may feature antique gold finishes, adding a touch of understated luxury.

Formal Attire

Formal occasions call for a dramatic display of The Void’s unique aesthetic. Gowns and robes are sculpted from luxurious black velvet and dense brocade, with sweeping designs that command attention. These garments often incorporate high collars and long, flowing sleeves. Embellishments are thoughtful and intricate, with patterns embroidered in antique gold thread that catch the eye with every subtle movement. Accessories are kept minimal yet impactful, with items like dark gemstone pendants or twisted gold cuffs that complement the dark majesty of the attire.

Battle Gear

When arming for combat, the warriors of The Void wear armor that merges functionality with the stark beauty of their homeland. Black metal plates, capable of obscuring wearers in the low light of their realm, are the primary component, supplemented by dark leather that is both tough and flexible. This armor is accented with trim and detailing in very dark jewel tones, visible only up close, which serves to disorient opponents. Fastenings and joins might be a dark obsidian, serving both a decorative and functional purpose, ensuring that each piece is as reliable as it is visually cohesive. Helmets and other protective gear are designed to be intimidating, featuring angular, sweeping lines that evoke the harsh, unforgiving nature of The Void.

Common Sayings & Slang

  • Shadowseeker: One who actively seeks the mysteries of the Void and its depths and enters the fog willingly.

  • "Under his wings, Moonlit truths, blood-tinted lies."

Realm wide Festivals and Holidays

  • Held during the darkest nights of the year, the Nightshade Festival is a solemn yet celebratory homage to The Void's mystical legacy. Throughout Shanovin and Anor, revelers congregate to venerate the ethereal spirits, presenting offerings and conducting rituals to shield against ominous energies.

The apex of the festival unfolds in a majestic banquet, where the velvety essence of Shadowvale wine pours freely, its rich tones echoing the ebb and flow of shadows that intertwine with the festivities. The Nightshade Festival stands as a poignant occasion for introspection and rebirth, symbolizing the enduring vitality that thrives amidst the veiled obscurity of The Void.

Renowned for Fabrics and Wine: Despite its dark reputation, The Void is celebrated for its exquisite fabrics and rare wines. Artisans in Shanovin and Labanoris weave fabrics imbued with mystical properties, sourced from plants that thrive in the realm's murky landscapes. The wines of The Void, fermented under the watchful gaze of moonlit nights, carry hints of forbidden fruits and the essence of the cursed tree, captivating connoisseurs with their haunting flavors.

​Courtship & Martial Customs

Wedding Traditions: 

In the sacred traditions of The Void, the ritual surrounding the Umbrabloom Berry carries profound significance for couples embarking on their union. After biting into the berry, which reveals the truth of their intentions, a solemn moment may unfold if one partner falls ill due to hidden deceit. Here, the Veil of Shadows, a revered artifact symbolizing familial trust and unity, holds the key to healing.

This veil is not just any fabric; it is a treasured heirloom passed down through generations, infused with the protective essence of the family who possesses it. When illness strikes one partner, it is not just any Veil of Shadows that can remedy the affliction. Rather, it must be the Veil held by the family of the other partner—the one not directly related to the one who has fallen ill. The family holding the Veil decides the timing of its presentation, a decision laden with the weight of tradition and trust.

The Veil's magic is entwined with the essence of familial bonds and ancient blessings, ensuring that only its rightful counterpart can effectively dispel the illness. This tradition underscores the deep interconnection between families in The Void, emphasizing mutual respect and the shared responsibility of safeguarding the union's integrity. Thus, as the community gathers, the exchange of veils becomes a poignant act of trust and unity, reaffirming the sanctity of vows and the enduring strength of familial ties in this mystical realm.

Marital Customs: Couples often retreat to the Whispering Grove, a secluded woodland sanctuary known for its tranquil aura and whispering winds. There, amidst ancient trees adorned with spectral foliage, partners share private vows of enduring love and mutual support, reaffirming their commitment in the presence of nature's silent guardians.


~ Popular Food and Drink ~

  • Blightberry Tarts
  • Pastries filled with blightberries harvested from the Blight Thorn, a sinister-looking tree native to The Void. These tarts are a delicacy that embodies the realm's essence—sweet yet tangy, with blightberries known for their bittersweet flavor that lingers on the palate. The crust, crafted from crimson wheat flourished in the realm's dark soil, adds a subtle earthy undertone to the overall taste, making each bite a tantalizing blend of flavors that evoke both mystery and allure.

  • Shadowleaf Tea

  • A brew concocted from the delicate leaves of the Shadowleaf plant, found only in the deepest and most shadowed groves of The Void. The tea has a deep, almost obsidian hue, and a rich, smoky flavor with notes of bitter herbs and a hint of floral sweetness. Consumed by residents to ward off the chill that permeates the realm, it is said to bring clarity to the mind while heightening awareness of the eerie surroundings.

  • Twilight Truffles

  • are fungi that thrive in the twilight-dappled forests of The Void, coveted for their unique properties. These truffles, dark as the realm's shadows, are prized for their exquisite flavor—a harmonious blend of earthy richness and a hint of nocturnal blooms. Consuming them is believed to evoke lucid dreams and heightened senses, making them a delicacy among mystics and scholars who seek communion with the realm's mysterious spirits.

~ Religion and Beliefs ~

  • Cult of Xanthius:

  • A mysterious cult that traces its origins to The Void, worshipping ancient deities and spirits that dwell within the misty forests. Followers of the Cult of Xanthius believe in the power of prophecy and the manipulation of fate, seeking to unravel the mysteries that veil the realm's tragic history. The cult's rituals are steeped in symbolism and arcane knowledge, their beliefs intertwined with the shadows that linger at the edges of reality.

  • Chandestiny:

~ Inhabitants ~
Species included but are not limited to:


  • Ethereal beings originating from The Void, now found across various realms. Yhendorn possess vampiric likenesses, with pallid, translucent skin tone ranging from palest whites to the darkest of grey. Shimmers with a faint maroon iridescence under the moonlit canopy of their homeland. Their forms shift between shadows and light, reflecting their deep connection to the desolation of The Void. Each Yhendorn bears a unique appearance shaped by centuries of wandering, Their eyes often adorned with the maroon hive lines, connecting them to those of their hive before them. Their features a blend of haunting beauty and timeless sorrow. They wield ancient energies with mastery, their eyes gleaming with a hunger for knowledge and power gained through their long existence.


  • Phasmids sustain themselves by parasitically inhabiting vulnerable hosts. They erase their hosts' identities, indoctrinating them into dark cultist beliefs with telepathic whispers that echo through the emptiness of The Void. Phasmids' forms are spectral and indistinct, flickering with shades of twilight that betray their parasitic nature. Their presence is marked by a chilling aura that unnerves even the bravest souls who dare to venture into their realm.


  • Enigmatic beings resembling a fusion of elven nobility and owl-like mysticism. Noctuans exist as solitary sentinels in The Void's perpetual night, their slender forms adorned with feathers that shimmer in shades of midnight blue and silver. They dwell in intricately woven nests suspended from ancient trees, their homes blending seamlessly with the foreboding environment. Noctuans possess eyes that gleam with an otherworldly luminescence, allowing them to navigate the darkness with unmatched precision. Their melodic songs echo through the desolate void, carrying tales of forgotten lore and ancient prophecies.


  • Mysterious creatures blending elven elegance with the cunning nature of crows. Corvians cast a smaller yet equally potent presence in The Void, with slender frames cloaked in feathers as dark as the abyss. Agile and inquisitive, they navigate the realm's terrain with keen intellect and eyes that shimmer like polished onyx. Their homes are intricately woven nests perched amidst the twisted branches of ancient trees, where they gather to share stories and exchange wisdom gleaned from their explorations of the Void's hidden depths.


  • Subspecies of Ere Sand Sirens adapted to The Void's swampy morass, emerging from mire instead of sand. Eremu are stealthy creatures, their slimy forms blending seamlessly with the swamp's undergrowth. They maneuver through the labyrinthine depths beneath gnarled trees, masters of camouflage and manipulation. Eremu possess luminous eyes that pierce through the darkness, adapted to the perpetual night of their realm. They communicate through subtle movements and gestures, their presence marked by an eerie silence broken only by the rustling of leaves and the distant calls of unseen creatures.


  • Shadow-winged beings resembling skeletal hands extending from their backs. Asolzi haunt The Void's eternal night, their forms casting eerie silhouettes against the obsidian sky. Silent and swift, they glide through darkness with unsettling grace, embodying the realm's macabre aesthetic and supernatural forces. Asolzi possess eyes that gleam with an otherworldly light, their skeletal wings rustling softly as they move. They communicate through a series of clicks and whispers, their language a cryptic melody that echoes through the desolate expanse of The Void.

~ animals ~
animals of the realm include but are not limited to: 

  • Whirv

  • A double-stinger flying insect that operates in swarms, making them exceptionally hazardous when disturbed. Their iridescent wings hum with an eerie vibrato as they move through the air, their presence often heralded by the faint buzz of their flight. Whirvs are known for their aggressive behavior when provoked, attacking en masse with venomous stings that can incapacitate even larger creatures.

  • Ssri'hound

  • Feral beasts draped in pitch-black fur, their forms seem to meld seamlessly with the shadows of The Void. Ssri'hounds are equipped with razor-sharp teeth that gleam ominously in the dim light, allowing them to move with silent grace across the desolate landscape. Their keen senses and predatory instincts make them formidable hunters, capable of tracking prey over vast distances without making a sound.


  • Large, predatory insects that haunt the deepest recesses of The Void. Grimmantis are adorned with jagged, serrated limbs designed for slashing and tearing. Their bodies are armored with chitinous plates, their movements quick and precise as they stalk their prey. A venomous bite from a Grimmantis induces paralysis, allowing these creatures to consume their victims at leisure in the darkness.

  • Guenhyvar: 

  • A skeletal horse wreathed in ethereal purple shadows, found both wild and domesticated throughout The Void. Guenhyvars possess elongated necks and haunting, hollow eyes that seem to peer into the souls of those who meet their gaze. Despite their spectral appearance, they are hardy creatures adapted to the harsh conditions of the realm, their movements swift and silent as they navigate the twisted paths and shadowy thickets.


  • Dhasu:

  • Creepy, lanky beasts that observe intruders with an unsettling intensity within their territory. Dhasus typically keep to themselves but are known to confront perceived threats with chilling stares and low, rumbling growls. Though their posture may seem aggressive, they rarely initiate attacks unless provoked, preferring instead to deter intruders through intimidation and territorial displays.

  • Ouren: 

  • Amphibians adapted to the boggy environs of The Void, their green and red mottled skin blending seamlessly with the murky surroundings. Ourens boast spiked spines protruding from their backs as a natural defense mechanism against predators. These creatures, standing about a foot tall, traverse the bog's labyrinthine channels with agile leaps and sudden bursts of speed, their movements agile and precise.

  • Bog Dragon:

  • A dragon species native to the swampy bogs of The Void, distinguished by their six beady red eyes and ragged, tattered wings adorned with menacing spikes. Bog Dragons are formidable predators, their scales blending with the muck and vegetation of their habitat to render them nearly invisible until they strike. Despite their fearsome appearance, they are integral to the ecosystem, maintaining balance through their dominance of the boglands.

  • Weecru: 

  • Small, mouse-like creatures infused with glowing blue crystals that grow from their backs like shimmering gems. Weecrus scurry across the forest floors of The Void, their movements swift and agile as they gather and hoard their crystalline treasures. While individually, these crystals hold little magical essence, in larger quantities they become potent conduits for arcane energy, a fact known to few beyond the realm's secretive practitioners.

  • Ivae

  • Bioluminescent fish that travel in small packs, numbering between 10 to 15 individuals. Ivae emit a soft, blue to orange glow, their elongated tendrils trailing gracefully behind them in the still waters of The Void's ponds. Their presence creates an ethereal dance of light beneath the surface, their movements synchronized as they navigate the depths with fluid grace.

  • Lirrang:

  • Deep-water fish adorned with scales that shimmer and reflect light, creating mesmerizing patterns when illuminated. Lirrang dwell in the darkest depths of The Void's waters, their scales adapted to enhance their visibility in the perpetual darkness. They move with silent efficiency, their streamlined bodies allowing them to dart through the water with unparalleled agility, making them elusive yet captivating denizens of the realm.

  • This is simply a glimpse into the diverse and enchanting wildlife of The Void, each species contributing to the magical tapestry of this mystical realm.

~ Geology and Geography ~

  • The Void is a realm shrouded in perpetual murkiness, where humidity hangs heavy in the air and a constant, unsettling mist veils the landscape. The terrain is characterized by craggy, uneven ground and sprawling wetlands that stretch into the horizon. The ground beneath is rich with minerals such as onyx, nephrite, sapphire, galena, schorl, and black star diopside, interspersed with veins of neptunite—an exceptionally hard and resilient black metal, though notoriously difficult to mine.

  • To the west, northwest, and south of The Void lie vast expanses of coastline with black sand beaches that meet the dark waters of the Ageach Sea, Sicaire Ocean, and Rihantu Ocean respectively. To the east, separating The Void from Moriath, is the Neptune Sea, where an island emerges with a dense concentration of neptunite, its size growing dramatically as it nears the shore.


  • Plants and Vegetation: Vegetation within The Void is sparse and often peculiar, adapted to thrive in the realm's gloomy conditions. Gillaflowers bloom along the banks of the realm's numerous lakes and ponds, their pink petals and purple stamens a stark contrast against the dreary backdrop. Blight Thorns, low-lying bushes with thorny branches and pale pink blightberries, grow near the bases of gnarled trees, their leaves shimmering in silver and white hues under the faint light.

  • Hellebores, delicate red cluster flowers with a sweet floral scent, dot the landscape, their seemingly innocent appearance belying their potential in concocting potent serums when combined with acidic Grèmil fruits. Speaking of which, Grèmil plants produce lemon-sized, blueish-purple fruits known for their acidic properties, favored by the realm's inhabitants for various nefarious purposes.

  • Mushrooms, with bioluminescent properties adapted to the darkness, can be found along the edges of the forests, casting a faint glow that adds an eerie luminescence to the otherwise shadowy surroundings.


  • Water Features: Water in The Void is as enigmatic as its land. The Neptunite Sea to the east and the various oceans and gulfs surrounding the realm have dark, still surfaces that mirror the sky above, appearing more like polished obsidian than liquid. This deceptive calm conceals frigid temperatures that can startle those who unwittingly enter its depths.

  • Waterfalls defy expectation, with water cascading upwards instead of downwards, a phenomenon that confounds and intrigues observers. Ponds and rivers, though drinkable, have a stale taste that intensifies thirst rather than quenching it, their still surfaces hiding the subtle currents that flow contrary to expectation—upstream instead of down.


  • Atmosphere: The atmosphere of The Void is perpetually shrouded in mist and shadow, where even the sun struggles to penetrate the dense canopy overhead. Nights are the darkest black, occasionally punctuated by the bioluminescent glow of native flora and fauna. The air feels damp and sticky, laden with an instinctual wariness that settles upon all who venture into this realm.

  • During rare clearings, the moon Badru casts a violet hue across The Void, while days dominated by the sun Solexus bring brighter but mist-shrouded landscapes, the heat causing the wetlands to steam and thicken the fog.

~ Governance ~

It is rumored that The Void is governed by a secretive council of ancient souls, some rumored to have lived during the time of the Origin Vales, Eudantria's Creation. These enigmatic figures oversee the realm's affairs from the shadow-shrouded city of Veshod, where misty veils and eternal darkness conceal their deliberations. Guided by arcane knowledge and prophetic visions, the council's decisions shape the destiny of The Void, balancing its delicate ecosystem of dark magic and primal forces. Though their existence remains elusive and their motives shrouded in mystery, their rule is said to preserve the realm's allure and safeguard its forbidden secrets.


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