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Welcome to Moriath, the second realm to be created in the world of Eudantria. 

Into The Realm Of

The secundra Vale 

 ~The Capital ~

~ MAJOR Cities ~


A bustling hub of magical research and alchemical discoveries, Tsentrel’ney is a city where scholars and alchemists gather to push the boundaries of knowledge.



Known for its cultural and artistic contributions, Vaóafram is a city where creativity thrives amidst the snow-covered landscapes.



A city that embraces the mystical and the arcane, Drakund is a place where ancient traditions and modern innovations coexist.


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Crest Of The Realm

The Moriathian crest elegantly showcases an antique gold dragon, its form intricately coiled around a shield of medium teal blue—a testament to the realm's unyielding strength and protective spirit. This majestic emblem not only signifies the guardianship of Moriath but also mirrors the unity and resilience of its people. As the dragon clasps the shield, it embodies the collective commitment of the Eudantrians to the prosperity and welfare of their realm. Radiating with the indomitable spirit of its people, the crest stands as a symbol of solidarity and enduring strength in Moriath.

~ Magic Source ~

  • The Eye Of Eudantria

  •  Deep within the Dunfore Mountains, hidden in an intricate cave system, lies the Eye of Eudantria. The path leading to this mystical chamber is lined with sapphire stones, illuminating the way with their radiant blue glow. Inside, the chamber resembles a vast geode filled with sparkling blue stones, casting ethereal light throughout. This sacred site is revered for its divine powers, granting visions, prophecies, and miraculous wonders to those who visit.
  • The Tear of Solexus: 

  • Within this mystical locale, legends tell of the Tear of Solexus, a hidden subterranean river said to be formed from the tears of the deity Solexus in his lament for Eudantria. Though its existence remains unconfirmed, the legend perpetuates the cave's mystique, adding a layer of mystery to the already enchanting Eye of Eudantria.

~ Culture and Customs ~


In Moriath, greetings are a delicate blend of tradition and magic. Residents greet one another by placing a hand over the heart and slightly bowing the head, symbolizing both respect and an openness of spirit. This gesture is often accompanied by a soft incantation, whispered to bless the health and prosperity of both parties. During more formal encounters, Moriathians might also exchange small, enchanted tokens made from local gemstones, each color conveying different well-wishes such as longevity (sapphire), wisdom (amethyst), or joy (topaz).

Common Sayings

  • “Eudantria’s Tears!”

  • “By the breath of the Dragon!”

  • “They’re about as bright as a mossling!”

Realm wide Festivals and Holidays

  • Dragon Sled Racing: A thrilling sport akin to bobsledding.

  • Colzar Cahallin: A colorful feast celebrated in the fall, featuring pie-eating competitions and carnival games.



Casual Wear:

Cold Snowy Regions: Residents dress in robust layers to endure the cold. Thick woolen tunics, insulated leggings, and fur-lined boots are common, predominantly in shades of blue, grey, and navy. These cool tones reflect the icy landscapes, with occasional accents of gold adding a touch of elegance and warmth.

Warm Lush Regions: The attire shifts to lighter, breathable fabrics such as cotton and linen for comfort in milder weather. The clothing remains loose and functional, in earthy tones of tans and beiges, complemented by open leather sandals. This color scheme harmonizes with the vibrant greenery and floral abundance of the area.

Formal Wear:

Cold Snowy Regions: Formal gatherings see luxurious velvet and brocade outfits in the realm's signature palette of blues and greys, enriched with gold accents. Fur trims enhance warmth and prestige, making these garments both practical and refined for cold climates.

Warm Lush Regions: Silk and fine linen are fashioned into airy, elegant dresses and suits for formal events, sticking to the subdued yet rich tones of tans, beiges, and occasional gold. These garments are often embellished with motifs inspired by local flora and fauna, reflecting the lush landscape.

Battle Armor: Moriathian warriors are clad in armor that combines the durability of metal with the flexibility of leather, essential for protection in combat. The armor pieces are primarily in shades of grey and navy, with strategic accents of gold that signify rank and valor. Leather components in tan and beige maintain uniformity with civilian attire, symbolizing the seamless integration of daily life and defense readiness. This armor is not only functional but also bears cultural engravings and motifs that reflect the heritage and values of Moriath.


Across all settings, whether casual, formal, or martial, Moriath's fashion adheres to a consistent color palette of blues, navy, gold, tans, beiges, and greys. This coherence ensures that despite varied fabrics and styles adapted to regional climates, the clothing distinctly reflects the cultural unity and aesthetic of Moriath, connecting its people to their environment and traditions.


​Courtship & Martial Customs

Flirting Customs: In Moriath, the initial dance of attraction is subtle yet deeply symbolic. Flirting often begins with the exchange of "whispering leaves," small, delicate leaves upon which one has whispered their intentions and desires. These leaves are then secretly tucked into the belongings or pockets of the desired one, leaving them to discover the message held within. As the leaves are carried by the wind, so are sentiments gently conveyed, allowing feelings to unfold naturally.

Courtship Practices: As two individuals grow closer, their courtship progresses. Couples often embark on nocturnal quests to collect dew from the sacred Moonflowers, believed to enhance emotional connectivity when shared. This act not only deepens their bond.

Engagement and Wedding Traditions: Engagement in Moriath is marked by crafting a joint talisman, combining elements from each person’s life—such as gemstones, feathers, or herbs—into a single, protective amulet. This ritual symbolizes their intent to merge paths and protect one another.


During wedding ceremonies the "Aurora Binding Ceremony" holds a central place. During this elegant ceremony, the couple stands beneath an arch adorned with native silver blooms, holding between them a special crystal known as the "Heart of the Aurora." This crystal captures and reflects the light of the aurora borealis, signifying the realm's blessing on their union.

As the couple exchanges vows, they channel their feelings and commitment into the crystal. The crystal responds by glowing with the vibrant colors of the northern lights. The intensity and clarity of this glow are considered a direct reflection of the couple's sincerity and commitment: a bright and clear light indicates a strong, authentic bond, while a dim light suggests that one or both parties may not be fully committed to the union.

This feature of the ceremony serves as Eudantria's way of preserving the truth and depth of relationships, reflecting the spirit's value of authenticity. It helps prevent false bonds, guiding the community to recognize and resolve uncertainties before they solidify into marriage.

Following the vows, the couple places the crystal in a communal alcove, joining those from previous ceremonies. This tradition not only links each new union to the heritage and magic of the realm but also serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of genuine connections in building a strong community.

Marital Customs: Once united, couples often plant a pair of trees intertwined at their base, representing the growth and continual merging of their lives. Anniversaries might be celebrated by adding a new stone around the base of these trees, each stone a milestone, marking the strength and enduring nature of their union.

These traditions embody the ethereal, connected nature of romance in Moriath, where every step from flirtation to lifelong union is steeped in magical and communal significance.


Mystic Revenant

Mystic Revenants are famed for their magical duels, showcasing the realm’s top magic wielders who entertain, educate, and safeguard. Protected by safety spells and a team of mages who revive even fatally wounded competitors, this esteemed profession upholds honor and safety.
Yet, beneath this respected circuit lies a perilous underground realm. Here, rules are cast aside, and the stakes are fatal. Unsanctioned duels attract those who eschew professional safeguards to test their skills in high-risk battles. Without mages to intervene, each duel is a stark gamble with life.


A master blacksmith known as a Skyforge Artisan specializes in forging exquisite weapons and armor, uniquely imbued with the ethereal energies of Moriath's auroras. These artisans harness the vibrant and mystical auroral lights and lightening that dance across the skies, channeling their arcane power into each creation.

The resulting gear not only exhibits enhanced mystical properties but also displays mesmerizing patterns that mimic the celestial phenomena, offering both unmatched beauty and formidable strength in battle.

Nightwing Vanguard

Elite dragon riders trained to master the skies on versatile dragon breeds. These riders engage in both fierce aerial combat and critical transport missions, delivering special artifacts, sensitive information, and high-value individuals—including prisoners—with unmatched security and speed.

Known for their stealth and precision, Nightwings embody a dark and striking presence, seamlessly blending the art of battle with the crucial role of safeguarding Moriath’s most precious cargoes.


Harthtenders are the dedicated farmers of Moriath, masters in cultivating enchanted crops like Crimson Wheat and Lucinth. Using ancient magical techniques passed down through generations, they enhance both the growth and nutritional value of their harvests. These skilled cultivators are vital to their communities, ensuring a steady supply of nourishing, magically-infused produce that sustains and strengthens their people. Each Harthtender plays a crucial role in not just feeding, but also fortifying their community through the power of their magic and non-magic agriculture.


Renowned for crafting exquisite elixers and ales using a blend of rare mystical herbs and enchanted waters. Each brew is a concoction of flavor and magic, tailored to enhance both vitality and vigor. These skilled artisans infuse each barrel with ancient spells and lore, ensuring every sip offers both delight and a subtle touch of magic, perfect for fortifying the spirit and healing the body. In Eudantria, brewmasters are celebrated for their alchemical prowess in turning ordinary ingredients into extraordinary elixirs that resonate with each person who enjoys their beverages.


The  healers expertise bridges the mystical with the medicinal. They harness the potent properties of native flora like Dreamroot and Crystal Lilypad, weaving these elements into remedies that restore health and balance energies. These skilled practitioners are adept at aligning body, mind, and spirit with the natural rhythms of the land, offering healing that is as transformative as it is nurturing. Healers hold a pivotal role in their communities, serving as the harmonizers of health and the custodians of ancient healing wisdom.

~ Popular Food and Drink ~

  • Moonflower Bisque:

  • A rich and comforting soup, Moonflower Bisque is a staple in the colder regions of Moriath. Crafted from the luminous Moonflowers that bloom under the night skies, this bisque blends the subtle floral hints of the flowers with creamy, hearty stock. Berries, handpicked from the frost-kissed forests, add a touch of sweetness, balancing the robust flavors. This luxurious soup is often enjoyed with a dollop of fresh cream, making it a warming treat during the icy Moriathian evenings.

  • Rosemary Garlic Quinpah:

  • A beloved savory pie, its golden crust enveloping a rich filling of either tender meat or garden-fresh vegetables. Seasoned generously with fragrant rosemary and pungent garlic, each bite offers a burst of hearty flavors. This pie is a common sight at Moriathian gatherings, where it's cherished for its comforting, earthy flavors and the satisfyingly flaky texture of its pastry.

  • Dunfore Meringue:

  • Inspired by the majestic Dunfore mountains of Moriath, the Dunfore Meringue is a visual and culinary delight. This dessert features peaks of soft, airy meringue that mimic the snow-capped summits, each swirl capturing the essence of the highlands. A glossy blueberry glaze, reminiscent of the twilight hues over the mountains, cascades down its sides, adding a sweet and slightly tart finish. This dessert is not only a feast for the palate but also a tribute to Moriath's stunning natural beauty.

~ Religion and Beliefs ~

  • Solexism

  • Solexism reveres the Sun God Solexus as a majestic and authoritative figure who presides over the cycles of day and night, crucial in the land of Moriath where the nights linger long and the summers flicker briefly. This deity embodies strength and guidance, reflecting his role as a paternal protector whose warmth is both literal and spiritual. Solexus's influence is celebrated through festivals and rituals that honor the light and warmth he brings, vital for survival in Moriath’s harsh climates.

  • Selene Worshippers

    The followers of Selene are deeply connected to the moon and its mystical influence, with a significant following among the Sirens of Moriath. These communities, often residing near bodies of water that reflect the moon's power, practice rituals that align with the lunar phases, celebrating Selene's governance over tides and emotions. Their devotion is expressed through nocturnal gatherings by the water, where the moonlight plays a central role in their worship and spiritual practices.

  • Eudestianism

  • Eudestianism centers on the veneration of the Great Mother, a deity seen as an omnipresent force within nature. Its followers, spread throughout Moriath, hold a deep respect for the natural world, believing that the Great Mother manifests in every element of the earth. They practice druidic magic quietly, often in secluded groves or hidden glens, maintaining traditions that include herbalism, nature-based spells, and the celebration of natural cycles. Their secretive practices help preserve the sanctity and purity of their rituals, away from the prying eyes of the uninitiated.

  • Kandrist Cult

  • The Kandrist Cult, founded by the charismatic yet controversial figure Kandri, positions itself as a sanctuary for the disenfranchised. Kandri, proclaiming himself a reincarnated deity, draws followers with promises of equality and redemption from societal woes. The cult, often viewed as a refuge by the poor, thrives in less developed areas where Kandri’s teachings resonate with those disillusioned by wealth disparities. Rituals often involve communal living and the rejection of material wealth, with Kandri at the heart of the cult's spiritual and communal life, wielding his influence to bind his followers to his vision of a utopian society.

~ Inhabitants ~
Full Species list available to members

​   Moriathians:

  • Moriathians bear a striking resemblance to their legendary ancestors. Their skin, in mesmerizing shades of blue, attests to their icy heritage. To protect their vision from the blinding white snow blanketing their realm, they have long, delicate white eyelashes that gracefully frame their eyes.

  • Among the Moriathians, a select few exhibit horns reminiscent of their dragon progenitors, serving as a tangible link to their powerful lineage. These horns vary in shape and size, evoking both awe and reverence. It is believed that those Moriathians blessed with these horns possess a deeper connection to the ancient dragons and carry within them their ancestral wisdom.


  • The Amirid are mystical beings embodying a blend of elf, werewolf, griffin, and in some cases, dormant yhendorn traits. Residing between the realms of Moriath and Pelsari, they possess an ethereal beauty with piercing eyes and pale skin.  They have the ability to shift between their their fully animalistic form and their elven humanoid form. In their elven form their werewolf ears always remain visible. Their griffin heritage grants them majestic wings which they can also isolate to emerge from their backs. Amirid's maintain a deep connection to nature and balance between light and shadow, captivating all who encounter them with their unique blend of beauty, strength, and mystery.​ They are also the only species how hold the ability to successfully blend magic and technology without Aetherflux. Aetherflux is the balance of when magic is cast. It can be immediate or delayed but the caster must balance how often they cast magic. Amirid's do not have this restriction. 


  • Furrathians are extraordinary beings blending the charm of woolly bears with humanoid grace, creating an enchanting presence in their snowy domain. Adorned with soft, velvety fur in shades from warm browns to snow whites, they symbolize resilience and adaptability. Their large, expressive eyes and nimble fingers reflect their enchanting nature and artistic abilities.

  • Living harmoniously in Moriath's icy landscapes, Furrathians craft their homes from natural materials, seamlessly blending with the snowy environment. Within these cozy dwellings, they engage in storytelling, artistry, and joyous celebrations, embodying their communal spirit.

  • Attuned to Moriath's natural rhythms, Furrathians possess deep wisdom and actively preserve the delicate balance of nature. Encountering a Furrathian is heartwarming, as their gentle presence radiates tranquility and wonder, transporting those who meet them into a world of magic and enchantment.

Stonekin Nomads: 

  • The nomads of Moriath. They are a stoic and resilient race, adapted to the mountainous terrain with lanky builds and gemstone-like eyes. They possess an innate ability to manipulate stone, creating structures and golem-like creatures. Nomadic by nature, they traverse the mountains in family units, utilizing their profound knowledge of the rocky landscape. Gifted with a unique echoing speech that carries across distances, they communicate effectively in their harsh environment. Known for their climbing prowess and a crystalline resilience that serves as natural armor, the Stonekin are a formidable and distinct presence in the Moriath realm, contributing to the mountainous folklore through their ancestral rock songs.


  • Sirens who formed from the song of Selene. The first Lyra community formed in the steamy volcano heated lakes of the Dunfore mountains, their warm bodies keeping them immune from the freezing temperatures above the surface of the waters. Some Lyra chose to leave and live in the frozen sea waters of Moriath. The Lyra that live in the warm lakes most commonly have clear iridescent scales and those that live in the sea have more of a white to blue tint to them. There are as many variations of Lyra as there are water animals. These are not to be confused with  Pyroquills.


  • Pyroquills are a rare species born of the magna and volcanic rock that falls into the waters near the volcanos when they erupt.  They have adapted to thrive in the intense heat of underwater lava pools. Their tails are crafted from hardened magma, glowing with fiery streaks, allowing them to gracefully navigate through molten environments. These sirens have metallic, heat-resistant skin and ember-like eyes, perfectly suited to their steamy, harsh habitat.​

~ animals ~
full animal list available  to members

  • Skogriff​

  • Skogriffs are territorial creatures found exclusively in the tallest trees of Moriath's dense forests. These majestic beings possess a blend of traits from both griffins and arboreal creatures. With thick fur ranging from snowy white to shades of silver, they are adept at camouflaging themselves among the snow-laden branches. Skogriffs have powerful wings that enable them to glide effortlessly between trees, their keen eyesight adapted for spotting prey from great heights. They are known for their protective nature, fiercely defending their nests and young with thunderous roars that echo through the forest canopy.

  • Evern​

  • Everns are magnificent beasts of burden coveted for their strength and endurance. Standing taller than most horses, they are characterized by their sleek, muscular bodies adorned with vibrant blue striping that shimmers in the sunlight, similar to how sun glistens on fresh snow. Native to the open plains of Moriath, Everns form strong bonds with their handlers, displaying a gentle temperament despite their imposing size. Their broad, cloven hooves are adapted for traversing both snow-covered terrain and rocky landscapes, making them invaluable companions for long journeys and hauling heavy loads.


  • Vonios are eerie and elusive creatures that dwell in the darkest, coldest corners of Moriath's icy caverns. Resembling oversized scorpions, they are covered in a crystalline exoskeleton that glistens with frost. Vonios possess multiple sets of segmented limbs that allow them to scuttle swiftly across icy surfaces, their movements almost soundless. Their stingers are tipped with a venom that induces a numbing cold in their prey, making them formidable predators in their subterranean realm. Despite their fearsome appearance, Vonios are known to be sensitive to vibrations, using their keen senses to detect intruders in their icy domain.

  • Frostwing Butterfly​

  • Frostwing Butterflies are ethereal creatures that flit through the snowy meadows and glacial valleys of Moriath. Their wings, translucent and iridescent, refract light into myriad colors reminiscent of frozen rainbows. These delicate beings are prized for their beauty, their wings bearing patterns that shimmer and change depending on the angle of light. Frostwing Butterflies are known for their magical properties, their presence often heralding a change in weather or the onset of magical phenomena. Legends speak of their wings being used in potions and spellcraft, imbuing them with mystical properties that enhance their users' connection to Moriath's natural magic. However it is illegal in the realm of Moriath to kill these creatures. 

  • Siglo Otter​

  • Siglo Otters are playful denizens of Moriath's icy rivers and lakes, their fur gleaming with a silvery-white sheen that camouflages them amidst floating ice floes. Agile swimmers and skilled hunters, they use their webbed feet and streamlined bodies to dart through frigid waters in pursuit of fish and crustaceans. Siglo Otters are social creatures, often seen in family groups or playful gatherings along the icy shores. Known for their curiosity and intelligence, they are sometimes sought after as companions by those who navigate Moriath's icy waters, their sleek forms serving as symbols of adaptability and resilience.

  • Racapi​

  • Racapis are mystical birds that inhabit the highest peaks and ancient forests of Moriath. Their plumage is a mesmerizing array of iridescent colors that shift and sparkle in the sunlight, reflecting hues of sapphire, emerald, and amethyst. Racapis are renowned for their melodic songs, which are said to carry echoes of ancient lore and magic across the land. They are deeply attuned to the natural energies of Moriath, often serving as guardians of sacred sites or heralds of impending events. Legends speak of Racapis guiding lost travelers with their luminous feathers, illuminating paths through the dense forests and treacherous mountain passes.

  • Glaciora Dragons​

  • Glaciora Dragons inhabit the icy peaks and glacial valleys of Moriath. Their scales are crystalline and refract light into dazzling displays of color, resembling living ice sculptures. Glaciora Dragons can breathe blizzards, their icy breath capable of freezing entire landscapes in an instant. They possess the unique ability to control weather patterns, summoning snowstorms and creating vast ice palaces with a flick of their tails. Glaciora Dragons are also known to hibernate in frozen caves, where they guard hoards of enchanted ice crystals that can amplify magical abilities. They are revered as symbols of purity and resilience, embodying the relentless beauty of winter.


Infernix Dragons

Infernix Dragons are magnificent, fire-breathing behemoths that dwell in the volcanic regions of Moriath. Their scales shimmer with a molten glow, radiating intense heat that can melt the hardest metals. These dragons are known for their immense size, with wingspans that can blot out the sun. They can manipulate fire with a mere thought, creating intricate patterns and dances of flame in the sky. For limited period of time they can also manipulate solar energy. Infernix Dragons are also capable of generating and controlling magma, shaping it into colossal structures or using it as a weapon. Despite their fearsome appearance, they are considered wise guardians of ancient knowledge and are often sought after by scholars for their profound understanding of fire magic and the history of Moriath. They can speak in any language as they look into the minds of those speaking with them and have the ability to carry out any many capabilities of the subject they are focused on


  • Wyvern

  • Wyverns are smaller, two-legged dragons with leathery wings and barbed tails. They are agile fliers, capable of acrobatic maneuvers that make them formidable in aerial combat. Wyverns have venomous barbs on their tails that can paralyze prey, and their claws are sharp enough to carve through stone. Unlike larger dragons, Wyverns often live in colonies, building intricate nests in cliffside caves. They possess a unique ability to generate electrical charges, using their bodies to create powerful lightning strikes. Wyverns are known for their cunning and resourcefulness, often outsmarting larger predators and using their environment to their advantage.

  • Barrabura

  • Barrabura are small, cat-sized creatures with two sets of ears that grant them exceptional hearing. They have sleek, fur-covered bodies in a variety of vibrant colors, often with patterns that blend seamlessly into their surroundings. Barrabura possess a unique form of bioluminescence, with patches of their fur glowing in the dark, which they can control at will to communicate or disorient predators. They are highly intelligent and curious, known for their playful nature and quick reflexes. Barrabura can mimic sounds perfectly, from bird calls to human speech, making them excellent scouts and messengers. They are also adept at using simple tools and can manipulate objects with their dexterous paws. Barrabura are often found in enchanted forests and are believed to bring good luck and protection to those they befriend.

  • Fa’en

  • Fa'en are fluffy spiders known for their gentle nature and deep knowledge of magical herbs that grow in Moriath's enchanted forests. These diminutive creatures are covered in soft, downy fur that ranges in hues from snowy white to shades of lavender and moss green. Fa'en possess multiple sets of delicate legs tipped with tiny, dexterous claws that they use to carefully harvest and cultivate rare herbs with magical properties. They are often sought out by herbalists and healers for their expertise in identifying and gathering ingredients essential for crafting potions and salves that can mend wounds and cure ailments, making them invaluable allies in the pursuit of healing arts.

~ Geology and Geography ~

  • Moriath's landscape is a rich tapestry of ethereal beauty and rugged natural wonders. The terrain is adorned with distinctive flora such as the Lucinth, a decorative white flower with blueish-black leaves found in the shadows of towering trees, and the Crimson Wheat, a hearty staple that infuses local baked goods with a vibrant red hue. The Lavender Moonflower thrives in harsh conditions, providing vital nutrition to Moriath's lower class, while the rare Frost Rose blooms only in the coldest weather, adding a touch of magic to the mountainous highlands.

  • The Crystal Lilypad, resembling floating ice, decorates the warm waters of Moriath, suggesting a hidden geothermal warmth, perhaps from dragons rumored to reside within local volcanoes. The Cerulean Pines stand tall with their blue-tinted needles, and the Losi'ama Lotus blooms with winter magic, essential in potion making.

  • Moriath's waters are equally mesmerizing. Lake Selene, a crescent moon-shaped lake, acts as a portal for Sirens. The ocean edges are lined with quartz cliffs and black sandy beaches rich in neptunite, while the waterfalls, cascading as icicle curtains, create a symphony of chimes as they merge with the waters below. Ponds mimic icy lily pads, completing this realm's mystical allure.

  • Above, an eternal aurora borealis paints the sky with vivid colors, visible through the cycles of Moriath's moons, while the land below treasures opals, diamonds, and other precious stones, hinting at the realm's deep, magical essence. This enchanting environment, with its unique vegetation and magical waters, sets Moriath apart as a realm of wonder and mystic beaut

~ Governance ~

  • Constitutional Monarchy

  • Moriath is governed by a main royal family, with lesser royals leading specific areas, advised by a council of respected community members. 


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